Is there a chance that the Raid tweek will have overclock Features.


New member
So far it looks pretty good and has a lot of potential to become the number 1 tweaker if sometime soon you can incorporate an overclock feaure that we unfortunatly didnt get with homers tweek program.
Overclocking is so much harder to do, and I don't have any information about the HW to be able to implement any such thing right now.
The bottom line is that there won't be any overclocking options for any tweakers unless we can work out the memory addresses that have to be written to in order to change the Radeon's clock freaquency. As it stands that information has been rather elusive... but rest assured that there are people trying to track this down so that powerstrip isn't the only option we have for overclocking.
No problem just wondering because its a real pain to use the drivers,tweek program and powerstrip to get my radeon just right.